Artificial Intelligence in Education

8 min readDec 20, 2020

All About Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that is focused on the development of algorithms and building machines that are capable of doing tasks that require intelligence or human guidance. The main goal of AI is to develop a model that enables to perform intelligent tasks such as problem-solving, understanding human communication, and decision making.

For the most part, AI is complied with 3 fundamental principles:

1. Self-correction: As we know, no one is right; we all make some mistakes and errors at some point. So in its procedures or solution, the AI system does not make any mistakes or errors, it always follows the function of self-correction and self-enhancement.

2. Learning: AI is made to learn many things before being able to function on its own first. You can make an AI system remember many items in this learning process and you can change the data according to your use.

3. Reasoning: Your machine will be able to do the reasoning process on its own with the help of AI. That means if your device is set to solve problems in mathematics. You will then be able to get the right answer to your mathematical questions easily, based on their reasoning ability. Various other types of reasoning processes can be handled not only by mathematics but also by AI.

Right from healthcare to education to agriculture, in each sector, the development of AI has affected in many different ways. Many companies have started developing their own version of AI and machine learning models.

“Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality.”– Yann LeCun Professor, New York University

Impact of AI on Education

For many years the education sector and the general realm of it remain unchanged. Schools delivered traditional education with the assistance of teachers who spoke to the scholars and utilized charts and diagrams to demonstrate concepts and principles.

With evolution in technology day by day, this otherwise unaffected space and has also finally begun to catch up. There are many things about the traditional education system that have changed.

Let’s have a look on it :-

Streamlining Education System

The best and trending examples of AI that we all know of are ‘Cortana’ by Windows, ‘Siri’ by Apple and ‘Alexa’ by Amazon. These are voice recognition systems that imitate human intelligence. These systems aren’t only helping us to achieve knowledge but also to reinforce our decision-making ability.

This technology is additionally referred to as machine learning which has been utilized in certain areas to trace vital issues concerning education. For example, the Government conducted an experiment in 17 districts. One of them was Visakhapatnam.

An application supported Machine learning technology collected and analyzed the info of scholars associated with various dynamics like academic performance, the rationale for college dropouts, quality, and skills of teachers, social demographics, gender, etc. This application had found out predictive patterns like probable students who would drop out and could not pass the academics. The government has acquired an inventory of thousands of scholars who might drop out from the faculties within the school year of 2018–2019.

Such major AI work studies serve as a catalyst in streamlining the education system and helping to make informed choices for institutions. Implementing AI at such a large scale would definitely help us to repair the loopholes within the current system and to improve education in every part of the world.

Classroom Spaces Transformation

As we’ve already learned that there’s a large dearth of teachers in India. Moreover, the quality of curriculum and teaching has not improved at a faster rate. For centuries, traditional classrooms are an educator who delivers, and one or more students who attempt to absorb the maximum amount as they will. AI can be a solution to this problem.

Today because of the pandemic situations all students face difficulties so for this, there are many online sites, web apps, and mobile apps that have transformed traditional classrooms into virtual classrooms. The virtual classes are designed to teach students one at a time supported their learning style, interest, and knowledge of a given subject.

In this scenario, enabling students with AI systems in schools and classrooms or at their homes could be the answer to resolve the problem of low quality and inaccessibility at one stroke. Not only has AI personalized the classrooms, but it also allowed educational efforts to succeed in corners of the planet , without affecting the quality of delivery.


While driving an automatic car, you don’t have to worry about changing gears hard gears up and down. Comparing this with manual car in traffic after a good weekend next Monday morning. You already know you don’t want the latter. And why not, if you’ve got the comfort and ease of automation?

Due to AI, automation in the education sector provides ease and speed to teaching and evaluation processes.AI provides an advantage to students in that they can receive knowledge at their own pace and participate in tests.

Speed of grading papers, checking examination sheets, and other related tasks can be done at a faster rate by using automation in AI. Grading and examinations have always received as much criticism as they have received fear and stress from students preparing for a test. That’s why their accuracy and efficiency are critical. However, from a long time, the process of grading and evaluation process has been subject to human errors. These errors are entirely neglected as we reach a point where assessments are mechanized using well-formed AI platforms and servers.

AI resolves this problem because it can conduct examinations and help in assessing the knowledge of a given candidate efficiently. In such a system with significantly less room for error, we can be confident of making a way better future for the present generation of scholars .This automation can save human beings precious time, to not mention endless stress.

Simple Administrative tasks implementation

We all know that tasks done in the administrative office are pretty much dull and boring, and there is a great opportunity to transform these mundane tasks with artificial intelligence. No one wants to be the one who again and again does the same tasks. Repetitive data handling and administrative activities are prone to human errors, Artificial intelligence will solve the problem and not be affected by lethargy.

AI makes it easier to review documents for legitimacy, file a paperwork and ensure the paperwork is done from the comfort of one’s living room and at faster rate. For any real learning it leaves us much more time an several other resources to spare.

Graph by Jeremy Howard from his TED talk “The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn.”


Remote Proctoring is a new technology which will help to simplify the exam invigilation process. Students can appear for exam from any location whether classroom or from home. Computer System is able to invigilate such exam remotely using remote Proctoring. In this, it uses a web camera to capture images/photo/ video streaming attached to the computer system to authorize remote students. Many education institutes, corporates, universities have started using remote proctoring to simplify the examination process with help of artificial intelligence.

“As more and more artificial intelligence is entering into the world, more and more emotional intelligence must enter into leadership.” — Amit Ray, Famous AI Scientist, Author of Compassionate Artificial Intelligence


Undermining socio-emotional connections and skills:

Student of todays generation are lacking in the development of socioemotional skills, human mentorship and human community. Students go to school for this are now not able to attend school and grasp these skills. This has been resulting in the rise of loneliness in the youth. One study found that youth having higher screen time are more depressed than youth having high social time. Even though the learning modules powered by AI could undermine vital meta-learning skills such as the ability to self-regulate this means student now are completely depended on machine and fail to cultivate their own capacity to do task.

Misuse of AI in education to extend power

It is possible that some could harness newly powerful and motivating educational tools to teach violent subject matter. These newly efficient teaching tools could help terrorists scale up training on destructive acts. Researchers must consider that these tools can increase inequality. Elite groups have the access to digital tools which makes the source of training data for current AI algorithms. When machine-learning algorithms are used on a certain data set like one in which white students from the United States are more than others then the result might be against the other groups. And therefore, might be discriminatory when used on a different group.

Lack of data privacy and cybersecurity

The challenge of how to use large amounts of personal data along with the protection for personalized learning rises to dangerous levels when AI targets young learners to share details and many learners are at highest risk who may not understand the risk of sharing their personal data or interacting with anonymous strangers online. The presence of risks does not need to remove our hope but it should force us for developing a more mature goal.


Artificial intelligence (AI) has reached every aspect of our lives slowly but steadily, from online shopping to watching TV to anything. In other words, the study of man-made computing devices and systems is AI or Artificial Intelligence. AI has become a hot topic everywhere today and is finding its way into education. Some, however, say it will take over student disability education, while others suggest that AI will revolutionize and boost education.

The role of the teacher changes when AI steps in. Teachers and robots are collaborating in tomorrow’s school to help students learn quicker, more effectively and better. This will encourage educators to concentrate on various aspects of the job







AUTHORS: Vedant Lapshetwar, Raunak Agrawal, Ayush Chandak, Ashish Vaswani, Naman Chandak

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